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Current Position(s)

Scientific Researcher at the Institute for Ageing Research at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences OSTProfile and projects

Current Projects (Selection)

Past Projects (Selection)

  • Study (applied Master’s thesis) on e-Learning 60+ on OldSchool platform for the senior’s university Zurich: elaboration of research-based usability and accessibility guidelines for the design of online courses and content for the target group of learners 60+, investigation of needs, design and implementation of an accessible, age-appropriate course.


After graduating in business informatics at the university of applied sciences (2008) and many years of professional experience as an IT project manager, I completed my Master’s degree in psychology in January 2023 at the University of Zurich. My Master’s thesis on “E-Learning 60+” investigated the needs of seniors in online learning and implemented a course that is age-appropriate and accessible. The successful feedback from the participants served as a catalyst for the expansion of the e-learning offerings of OldSchool.
Today I work as a scientific researcher at the Institute for Ageing Research at the University of Applied Sciences OST, where I focus on technologies for ageing(n). Additionally, I work as a scientific researcher in a clinical research project to improve waiting times in psychotherapy at the University of Zurich and the Psychiatric University Hospital.


Applied psychological research in the areas of gerontechnology, usability & accessibility in old age, lifelong learning, e-learning, clinical psychology, self-efficacy, well-being, quality of life, and positive psychology

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